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Young Surgineers

Based on the lively participation of young scientists in the Junior Panel at the last CURAC Annual Conference 2023, we,

  • Dr. Jana Steger, Institute for Minimally Invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Intervention, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, contact:
  • Lars Wagner, Institute for Minimally Invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Intervention, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, contact:
  • Dr. Christian Kunz, Laboratory for Surgical Planning and Robotic Cognition, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Kontakt:

founded the “Young Surgineers” working group.

By developing a deeper understanding of the possibilities, needs and limitations of each other's disciplines, the working group aims to create a space for identifying medical technology problems and jointly developing new solutions.

With the “Young Surgineers” we would like to offer the young scientists in our community a platform for networking and dialog, be it on general questions relating to the topic of doctorates and personal careers in science, clinics or industry, on their own research, or even on further research projects and the search for fellow campaigners (publications, applications, etc.).

All interested scientists (postdocs, professors, etc.) from the CURAC community are welcome to participate. However, the special focus of our working group should be on the young scientists among us.

The first planned meeting will take place as part of a workshop day on 23.08.2023 in Basel, and will provide a direct technical and thematic introduction to the CURAC Annual Conference (24.08.2023-26.08.2023). Participation in the workshop is free of charge and therefore does not entitle the participant to attend the CURAC Annual Conference. Registration for the workshop is possible via the CURAC Annual Conference website.

As part of our workshop, we first want to present our respective research priorities in focus groups and work out concepts where synergies can be identified and further developed into joint, new research ideas.
We would like to end the day with a dinner together with you.

Bei Interesse an der Arbeitsgruppe der „Young Surgineers“ oder an unserem Workshop könnt ihr euch gerne jederzeit unter den nebenstehenden E-Mailadressen an uns wenden. Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme und darauf, euch kennen zu lernen!